Community Classes
Patient education and advocacy is a passion of ours. Knowledge is power! You do not have to be a patient to attend our classes. They are held live a few times per year. Check our social media channels @lumoschiropractic for upcoming dates and times.

Birth 101 - $100
This is a four part course on birth prep including:
How to choose your ideal provider & birth team
How to choose where to birth
Risks of common birth options
Steps of Physiological Birth
Steps of a C-Section
Golden Hour
Risks and benefits of common interventions
Pain management options
Mythbusters: Homebirth Edition - $45
A short course discussing who is a good candidate for out of hospital birth, the difference in homebirth and a birth center, pain management options for homebirth, and hospital transfers/emergency care.
Everything You Need To Know About Oral Ties - $35
This short course covers common misconceptions regarding oral ties, addresses the controversy surrounding the procedure, and explains the benefits of tongue tie release when necessary.